Fragrance: Keep the Passion Alive

As summer comes to an end, don’t let the sun set on your relationship; keep that heat alive by incorporating fragrance into your life. While there are many ways to invoke or maintain the passion in a relationship, the use of fragrance is not often considered. However, it’s a simple fix and highly effective.

Scented oils, perfumes, and other fragrances have been widely used by people since early civilization. Today, fragrances can be found all around, from scented candles to your favorite bath and body products. People often don’t realize that the scents in these products lead to emotional and physically stimulation. There are numerous reasons why people wear fragrances, but ultimately it boils down to the fact that they make us feel happy. However, this happiness is heavily dependent on the individual. It can range from the presence of pheromones, memories the scent invokes, a feeling of escape, and the ability to express individuality through fragrances. All of these emotions can lead to a stronger and happier relationship as well as work to keep the passion alive. For the purpose of this article, I will focus on pheromones as they relate to scents and attraction.


Pheromones are scent-triggered hormones that work to stimulate sexual appetite. Logically, this hormone plays an important role in human sexuality and desire. While it’s not the first question asked among our Tijon customers, the discussion of pheromones is undoubtedly had during our fragrance creation classes. We have even begun carrying a pumpkin spice soap, which is shown to increase penile blood flow by 40%. A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species working to impact the behavior of the receiving individual. Enter sex pheromones. Sex pheromones are released by an organism to attract an individual of the opposite sex for one purpose and one purpose only: to encourage the receiving individual that it’s mating time. While humans like to think of themselves as, well humans, at the end of the day, we are all just animals. The classic story of boy meets girl is highly influenced by sexual attraction, which is heavily determined by pheromones and scent.

That being said, don’t you think it’s time to look a little deeper into the scent that you’re emitting to your current or potential mates? The fragrance you spray on before a date (be it a first date or a date with your husband of 30 years) could be the difference between a lonely night and a not-so-lonely night. Analogs of the natural human hormone can be found in some fragrances triggering increased sexual appetite. The list of known pheromones is constantly growing. Though, most of the currently recognized pheromones only work on men. As such, women wearing these types of perfumes instill greater sexual desire in the men surrounding them while boosting her own self-esteem as her feelings of being attractive and adorned grow. This certainly makes any woman feel happier and a happy woman results in a happy man.

So, if you’re looking to keep that heat alive, you should definitely take notes on the following:

  • Men become more sexually aroused upon smelling Pumpkin and Lavender
  • Women become more sexually aroused upon smelling Cucumber and Anise.

Do with this information as you will.

For more information on fragrance and their impact on various aspects of our lives, come in to Tijon Parfumerie and Boutique in Grand Case, St. Martin. You can also visit us online at